— Frequently Asked Questions

 What exactly do you do?

I facilitate energetic processing for your healing and your highest good.

We are all very complex beings made of flesh and bone, spirit, emotions, thoughts, and energy. We are most vital when our energy is flowing in an optimal way and when that happens the rest of our being comes into alignment or resonance. Our systems are innately intelligent and communicate in various ways: behaviorally, physically, emotionally, and energetically.

So, I listen to you and use various techniques on and off the body to help your energy move so you feel better.

What are Craniosacral and Polarity?

Craniosacral and Polarity are specific healing modalities. I integrate both techniques into my sessions.

A good analogy for understanding this is yoga and its various styles (ashtanga, Iyengar, hatha, vinyasa, kundalini, etc). They all have their own techniques to accomplish the same goal of unifying the body and soul, quieting the mind, and bringing awareness, space, and strength to the body.

 In my opinion, the same could be said for the various healing modalities (reiki, rolfing, massage, acupuncture, etc). They all have their own ways of resourcing to help bring the body into alignment or resonance.

Craniosacral therapy focuses on optimizing the flow of your cerebrospinal fluid which circulates in your subarachnoid space around your brain, spinal cord, and in the ventricles of your brain. This fluid has a tide or a rhythm and is moving, regenerating, offering protection, and is connected to your nervous system.

Polarity therapy focuses on optimizing the energy flow in your electromagnetic field which is in and around your body. There are long line currents, cross body currents and spiral currents that create this electromagnetic field. Depending upon what you are presenting, ie., injury, stress, trauma, emotions, etc, a particular protocol is used to address any blockages that may be causing these issues.

What are the benefits of the work?

·       Optimized flow in your cerebrospinal fluid and energetic body which leads to vitality

·       Deep relaxation

·       Calming and/or resetting the nervous system

·       Reduction of pain

·       Creative inspiration

What are particular things this type of healing can help with?

·       TMJ

·       Digestive disorders

·       Bells Palsy

·       Depression

·       ADD/ADHD

·       Insomnia

·       Trauma

·       Anxiety

·       Relationship issues

       Creative block

·       Lethargy, lack of inspiration/motivation

·       And the list goes on…

What are some things I can expect in our session?

First, we have a brief conversation about what is going on for you. All sessions are confidential, and your words are very important to me.

Then you’ll lay either face up or face down on the massage table with your clothes on. As you’re relaxing on the table, I’ll begin to tune in and listen to your system. Once I receive permission to touch, I’ll begin.

You may drop into a deep relaxed state. You may see colors. You may have thoughts or memories pop up or you might even gain perspective on something you’ve been trying to figure out. You might twitch or want to wiggle or cry or laugh. The best advice is to just be open and receive what wants to present during the session. All is welcome, sacred, and confidential and I am listening.  

Is there anything I should do before or after a session?

Before session:

·       Eat light or avoid food 2-3 hours before the session

·       Avoid drugs and alcohol at least 24 hours before the session

·       Allow enough time to get to the session and reschedule any plans after the session

After session:

·       Take it nice and easy

·       Eat light and drink water

·       Slow down

·       Avoid screens

·       Soak in a bath that includes at least 2 tablespoons of baking soda and anything else you wish to add – salts, crystals, dried herbs, flowers

·       Journal – perhaps you have a new perspective on something, creative inspiration, or just want to document your experience

·       Avoid drugs and alcohol 24 hours after the session

·       Be gentle for the next few days following the session and notice any processing physically, energetically or emotionally – things are still moving and grooving

What else do I need to know?

Sessions last 75 minutes.

All sessions abide by HIPAA confidentially protocols which means all matters discussed and supported are confidential between client and practitioner. In addition, all COVID-19 safety protocols are followed which include sterilizing the session space before and after each client, hospital grade air filter, temperature assessment upon arrival, and face coverings for both practitioner and client. All clients must also sign a waiver prior to the session.